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Electric Paper Cannon Weddings

5,95 EUR 5,95 EUR /UNIDAD
  • Redondo
  • Rectangular
  • Corazones
  • Pétalos
Has seleccionado: Blanco
  • Blanco
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We want you to enjoy the best effects on a day as important as your wedding. For this reason, we offer you the electric cannon of paper confetti for weddings. Forget the traditional rice and opt for biodegradable confetti in different shapes. The result will be unforgettable!

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20 5% / Unidad Up to 0,00 EUR

Features of the electric launcher of paper confetti for weddings 

As with many of the electric launcher models that you will find in our website, this one is available in three different sizes. The smallest size is 30 cm in length, with 60 grams of confetti inside. The medium size is 50 cm and has a load of 120 grams. And finally, the biggest of all is the 80 cm launcher and has a 200 grams load.

With all of the sizes, you will be able to choose the shape of the confetti you want for your event: hearts, rose petals, round or rectangular. In all cases, the available colour is white. The size of the rectangular confetti is 2 x 5 cm and for the rest of the shapes they are 4.1 cm in diameter. All the confetti models that you can choose for this electric cannon are made of paper, are fire retardant, and do not stain.

Recommendations for using the electric cannon of confetti for weddings

To initiate this launcher, unlike with manual cannons, you will need to connect it to a compatible electric confetti machine. 

Make sure the machine is turned off while preparing the launch. Remove the protective cap, insert the launcher in the machine, and connect the launcher cable to the machine. Choose the orientation you want and make sure that nothing is blocking the exit of the confetti. Turn on the machine and make the launch at the most opportune moment.

Remember that this cannon has a charge of compressed air. Therefore, you should avoid exposing it to high temperatures or direct sunlight, as well as drilling any holes along it.

What effects will you achieve with the wedding confetti launchers?

For the most intimate celebrations or for those in smaller venues, we recommend the 30 cm launcher, so that the effect will adapt perfectly. With this model you will be able to launch the confetti up to between 4 and 5 meters. As the confetti are made of paper, the effect will be longer lasting. In other words, as the confetti are light in weight, they will spend longer in the air. 

For larger venues, opt for a 50 or 80 cm barrel. You can even use them for outdoor weddings. The shots from these cannons reach between 6 and 9 meters. Remember that you can also connect several machines together to make simultaneous launches from different points. And for a more attractive visual effect, we have the cannon of metallic wedding confetti in our catalogue.

Where can I buy the electric cannon of wedding confetti?

Our physical store is located in the center of Madrid, in Calle Galería de Robles 5. Come and discover the electric cannons for weddings and their characteristics with your own eyes. It is open from Monday to Friday, between 10 am and 7 pm.

We also ship to any part of Spain in 24 hours, for the only cost of € 6.99. And if you decide to make a purchase over € 50, shipping costs will be free. Click here to check worldwide shipping information. 

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