The round paper confetti is a product that should not be missing at any festive event. It will provide a very special visual effect thanks to its light weight and long fall. Your guests will be delighted with the novelty, leaving them with a very special memory of the celebration.
Characteristics of the biodegradable round confetti
This type of confetti, due to its light weight, will have a slower fall, so it will create a more lasting visual effect once launched into the air. Moreover, the size also helps with the duration of the visual effect. Being larger than the traditional confetti, it will surprise the audience. You can choose between two different sizes: 4.1 centimetres or 5.5 centimetres in diameter.
The round paper confetti come packed in blocks. In this way it is perfect for loading it into the empty manual or electric cannons or into different machines with another type of launch mode. Also, if you prefer things to be much simpler, you can throw the confetti with your own hands, and this will allow you to get all the guests of the event involved.
The round paper confetti meets all important safety standards. We emphasize that it is 100% fire retardant, which turns out to be a very important and mandatory requirement if it is intended to be used indoors. The round confetti that you can buy from Luminosos Fluorescentes is colour-fast, which ensures that it will not leave any dye stains on the tablecloths, floors or surfaces of the event.
You will find these confetti in our catalogue in white, black or multicolour colours, organised in blocks and available in 1 kg bags.
Use of the biodegradable round confetti
Thanks to the size and classic shape of the round confetti, it can be used in a creative and original way. The multiple colours will be your best allies to achieve a dazzling visual impact in events of all kinds such as weddings, birthdays, parties, carnivals, parades, etc.
We recommend you to include it in your celebration precisely at the moment when the emotions are at the highest point or when you want to announce something important with style. Combine it with the biodegradable rectangular confetti or the biodegradable square confetti for an amazing visual effect.
The round confetti have a standard size, so they can be fired with all cannons available on the market. You have the possibility of achieving a wide range of results depending on the event you have in mind and you organise. This will grant you absolute control over the atmosphere you want to create at the party.
In indoor spaces, the launch and fall of the confetti can be better controlled, since the wind will not influence the direction it takes. On the other hand, in outdoor spaces, you can choose more powerful machines that will help you to cause a greater visual impact.
Where can I buy biodegradable round paper confetti?
If you live in Madrid, you can visit our physical store and get the confetti right away. We are located in Calle Galería de Robles, n. 5. Our opening hours are from 10 am to 7 pm, uninterrupted. In this way, you will save shipping costs and receive the best personalized attention from our team.
Make your order through our website and you will receive the round confetti in 24 hours at any part of Spain, for only € 6.99. If you exceed € 50 in your order, the shipping costs will be completely free. Click here to check worldwide shipping information.