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Antari ICE-101 Low Smoke Machine

653,40 EUR 653,40 EUR /UNIDAD
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The Antari Ice-101 smoke machine is the perfect device for creating smoke at low heights. You will not need to use CO2 to achieve this, instead it is achieved by cooling down the smoke with ice. Without discomfort or health risks.


Features of the low smoke machine 

This low smoke machine is robust enough to generate the effect in the most efficient way. It has a size of 660 x 335 x 359 mm and a total weight of 24.4 kg. On the other hand, it has an AC power supply of 230 V and 50-60 Hz, in addition to a power of 1000 W. With it, you will achieve an output volume of 300 m3 per minute. This quantity is perfect to create a good atmosphere in different places and events.

When you purchase the smoke machine, you will also receive a DMX control and a Z-8 remote control, which will help you enjoy a faster, more comfortable and efficient use. Keep the following details in mind when scheduling its use if you want to achieve smooth operation and have the machine ready at the right time of the event. The capacity of its tank is 2.5 litres. The Antari ICE-101 machine will need approximately 4 and a half minutes before being ready to make the first shot.

Remember that this low smoke machine works only with FLR liquid. It is not advisable to use any other model than this one, to avoid damaging the device.

What effects can be achieved with the Antari Ice-101 smoke machine? 

Thanks to this machine specific for special effects such as low smoke, you will not have the need to use CO2 to achieve the desired result. The Antari ICE-101 machine uses ice to cool down the smoke. This will make it condense and, weighing more than air, will remain in the lowest part of the room.

This device also has an additional effect. If you decide decide to not use ice to cool down the smoke, you can use it as a fog machine. This effect will last for a maximum of 12 hours. Therefore, this is a versatile device that you can use for filming, in theatrical performances, for parties in nightclubs or for any other event that may occur to you.

Find different types of smoke machines in our catalogue, like the Antari Z800II smoke machine. You also have a broad variety of special effects machines, such as confetti machines or fire machines.

Where can I buy the Antari Ice-101 low smoke machine? 

Order the Antari Ice-101 smoke machine right now through our website. Our team will contact you to complete the transaction. Our shipments arrive in 24 working hours for a single price of € 6.99 to Spain. Remember that for purchases over € 50 you have free shipping costs. Click here to check worldwide shipping information. 

Visit our physical store in Madrid to discover the complete catalogue of special glow products for parties. We are located in Calle Galería de Robles, n.5. Come from Monday to Friday, between 10 am and 7 pm.

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